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  • Wallace 1 Ton Steel Tri-Adj Gantry Crane, 12’4” Height, 20’ Span photo

Wallace 1 Ton S2T12-20SAC Steel Tri-Adjustable Gantry Crane, 7’10” To 12’4” Height, 20’ Span

SKU: S2T12-20SAC

Manufacturer: Wallace

Product: Wallace 1 Ton Steel Tri-Adjustable Gantry Crane

Model Number: S2T12-S20AC 

Capacity: 1 Ton (2,000 Lbs.)

Span: 20"

Height Range: 7’4” To 12’4”

Clear Span: 15'

I-Beam Depth: 8"

Caster Diameter: 6"

Weight: 801 Lbs.

Made in U.S.A.

The Steel design makes these cranes the ideal combination of high lifting and reduced weight. They are easily assembled and disassembled for convenient portability. Available accessories include manual or powered trolleys and hoists, jack kits for frequent crane height adjustments, and kart kits for transporting and/or storing cranes. Options for track mounting with V-groove casters and motorizing cranes are also available.  

I-beam spans from 10′ – 15′ (up to 20′ spans on 1 ton models only)

Adjustable span allows inboard or outboard bracing

Adjustable span allows cantilever configuration overhang limited to 25% of the I-beam length

Adjustable legs permit crane height adjustment at 6″ increments

Legs can be set at different heights where floor or terrain is uneven-ideal for loading from truck dock to floor or from ground level to mezzanine

Adjustable caster tread to roll thru narrow aisles or doorways which prevents costly disassembly

Safety cable attached inside of caster frame tubes prevents overspreading when adjusting

Durable construction – high quality heavy gauge aluminum tubing is used

Self Aligning I-beam – Exclusive Wallace I-beam support system aligns off-center loads to avoid crane and trolley distortion

I-beam support system slides along the I-beam enabling leg spacing adjustments and cantilever configurations

Height Adjusting Bolts – Main legs are equipped with spring loaded bolts permitting crane height adjustment – they can be locked out until the desired height is reached, then unlocked to engage automatically

Casters equipped with 4 position swivel lock – when locked at 90 degrees with each other, they position crane more firmly than a brake

Lock “lead” casters and unlock trailing casters to easily move and steer crane

Alternate steel V-grooved casters are available for use on angle iron track

Completely portable – Stress-proof steel pins with locking rings provide quick assembly and dissasembly

The optional “Kart Kit” is available and transforms your disassembled crane to a cart which allows easy transportation and storage